This part of the assignment is to create an aluminium skin to adhere to the contours of a torus.
1. This time we are sharing a big piece of aluminium in a group of 3. Firstly, we measure the dimensions of aluminium and divide them into 3 equivalent parts by drawing marks on it. Cut the big piece of aluminium into three with the cutting machine.
2. Next, Prepare the egg shaped nylon hammer and the mould shown in the picture, and start shaping the metal.
(Reminder: There are other options to shape a torus from a piece of aluminium, such as using the English wheel or the stretching machine. However, this time I chose to use the mould for the shaping process.)
3. Bend the flat piece of aluminium into a cylindrical shape, that makes the following shaping process become more convenient.Then use clamps to lock down the metal, prevent it from sliding around.
4. Once everything is set, we can start using the pointy end of the egg-shaped nylon hammer to hammer the piece of aluminium. Continue hammering along the aluminium on the mould with the hammer.
(Reminder: Please be careful of any tucks to occur that may cause the metal to crack, In order to fix it, use the round end of the nylon hammer to flatten them out.)
5. Once, you are satisfied with the shape of the curve, you can turn the torus upside down, place it on a leather bag, and start using the hammer to hit on both side of the torus, in order to create a greater depth/ curve.
(Reminder: the pointy end of the hammer and the round end of the hammer needs to switch constantly during the hammering process. It is to create a smoother surface.
6. After that, I went back to check the depth of the curve and I was not satisfied with it. I took a metal pole as my new mould and repeat processes of 4 and 5 until the depth of curve is good.
7. To finish up the shaping process, I used 80 grid and then 600 grid sand papers to smoothen out the surface, clear out all the hammering marks.
8. Inspect the edge of the torus is even or not, marking the excessing bits with a marker and then trim them off with a snip.
9. Use sand paper to smoothen the surface. Done!