2017年4月9日 星期日

Assignment 1: The Tray

This part of the assignment is to create an aluminium skin to adhere to the contours of 2 trays in a group of 2.

1. Set out the size of the cut-out going to be (200mm x 200mm), cut the square out with a snipe, sand the sharp edges off from the cut-out piece.

2. Start to mark out a 10mm gap from the edge of the aluminium.

3. Find a piece of round objects/ custom made a wooden mould with a round corner that can help shaping the tray.

4. Use the sanding machine to sand off the uneven edges.

5. Stack the piece of aluminium and the mould together and clamp them tight. Find a nylon hammer or a wooden hammer and start hammering/ shaping the metal!

6. Since the depth of the tray is set to be 10mm deep, I start checking the tray inch by inch to see whether it meets the required depth. Once I realise there are edges that are too deep, I will use the snip to trim it off.

7. Unfortunately, my tray and my partner's tray do not sit on the top to each other so I will have to fix it.

8. We decided to make a new one. This time the dimensions are set to be 110mm x 200mm. The Same process of making the last tray is repeated to these two trays. 

9. The result of this time is satisfying. Done!

